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 Post subject: WhiteTigers Coyote
PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:08 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:13 pm
Posts: 3733
Location: Farmingdale Maine
OK So I was On line with the guys here telling them about the coyotes that have taken up a den about 50-60 yards from my back door way out in the creek behind my back yard. So My brother was seeing my type and was asking what about. So I said "those dam coyotes " He said OH. and started watching TV. So the guys and I were talking and the idea came up to " shoot the bastards" Well the typing got faster ( as fast as a two finger guy can GO!)
and he see this and asked so whats up? and I said they think I should shoot them. So the typing went on and he again said what do they think I said we are talking about how to do it. He is getting excited now. I love my brother dearly but he is no great white hunter( and I am not even a Hunter but i have got two deer in my life and spend 4 years in the marines.) So I decide to do it.
I know my brother has never been hunting or shot a gun. So I told him I will shoot you hold the light- yea I know no sport but we are the wonder twins and need all the help we can get. So I get the ar and clean it oil it and get the mag ready loaded the mag, and then got my brother ready. Told him "We are going to go out and find a spot, sit down, and wait. then I told him dress warm, wear boots it's muddie and cold and wet, it rained here and was misting now 130 AM. I gave him a marine boot going into combat class, do not move no slapping bugs let them eat you no slapping. do not talk, no noise. move slow and very little be slow and get your eyes moving and not your body.
so we get all dressed up and away we go his wife said" if you kill him don't come back! she is a big women. I am scared. we slip down the far side
of the creek and up on the other side of my house. The creek is high I guess 3 feet deep moving kinda slow but you can see it moving. we cross the water on a log bridge we had moved there years ago. The den is on the band behind some trees. I move up slow and feel the wind in my face it's blowing to me not away from the coyotes to me they can't smell me . so far so good.
I put my bro behind this big tree and some brush across from the den no dogs in sight, I tell him when you see me lift the rifle and knod count to 20 then hit the flashlight on( its one of the big spotlights with the batt as a body. big old thang.) I cross back to the other side of the creek and get across from him. The den is south of us about 20 yards, perfect kill zone. The area in front of the den is clear and the grass is flaten down from them walking around.
they have to cross in front of me to get to the den and when the shooting starts they have to run past me for open ground and I get a side shot or cross the water swimming and I can get them in the water
So we got out there about 330 am and we are sitting it's cold wet and misty but not bad I have been in much worse. so around 420 am I hear the barking yapping and they are about 300 yards away coming to us.
theres 3 of them I see them cross the road and are moving N E to us. wind still coming to us they are moving at a fast clip I look over to my brother and I can see his head but not his eyes. He is not moving and can't see the coyotes coming sun is starting to light the sky and the area. I throw a little rock at my brother. still no movement and I think ok the little guy has fell asleep.
I am kinda laughting to my self casue he was so excited to do this now he is going to miss most of it. They are coming I lift the ar and sight in 100 yards away they are crossing a field high grass just see a flash here and there and the head bob. coming fast now. one more look at my brother and he is up .
he has got up and looking out from the tree too much. I wave him down he sits the dogs are coming i can hear the noise I look back at my brother he is sliding closer to the tree and lower to the ground. i look back the coyotes will be in the zone in seconds, the first dog comes up the hill to the bank he is on the skyline I got him dead in my sights, then all hell breaks loose from across the water my brother slips and falls head first into that muddie cold water screaming as he slides down the muddie bank and into the water I sight back on that dog and fire. he jumps and yelps and off he go's the other split.
I look down and no sight of my brother. then godzilla come busting out of the water yelling water exploding every where. and the yell scream is IT"SS FUCXXXX COLD!!!!! I EXPLODING LAUGHTING. He come up the bank with his arms out to the side running for the house. water running down his body .
I shake my head laughting picked up the brass and go look for blood where i hit that coyote.
it's a good size trail and i follow it for about 50 yards then there he is on his side. down in that field. he is muddie and thin and smells bad. his face is bit up
it's a male. his coat is kind of grisseled and hard not soft like i wa sthink they would be. his belly has yellow stain on it. he smells bad! well I left and walked back home. his wife is at the door I think ok I am dead. she is shaking her head and said did you get anything I lifted my finger and said one.
she said well no more hunting for my brother. i asked where is he she said he's in the bathtub his clothing is in the basement by the washer. she was smiling and said yea ok no more. i unloaded the mag
clean the rifle and went down to see him ge was sitting in his big old leather chair smiling and said did we get one I laught and said WE GOT ONE. he was shaking and drinking coffie and smiling say WOW that was great he wa stelling his wife how big the dog was and how he saw it coming and the shot and all.
I wa sitting there and was thinking that was the biggest mess I ever saw and
we were lucky he did not drown and get killed and he is thinking this is the best thing since he got his first kiss. he wants to go again.

Registered Maine Guide
CPOneida Eagle Bows Dealer
Staff Shooter Easton Arrows
Switchblade Prototype

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