My Kestrel (formerly NN's

76#, 29" draw, 65% let off, 420 gr arrow: 287 fps
76#, 29" draw, 65% let off, 399 gr arrow: 294 fps
76#, 29" draw, 65% let off, 360 gr arrow no vanes or feathers: 307 fps
All arrows shot through a whisker biscuit.
The 360 gr arrow is the closest to the IBO setup(70#, 30" and 350 gr arrow)! What I've heard is that lengthening the draw length by 1" is equal to an increase by at least 10# so the Kestrel would probably do 310-315 fps IBO! Any thoughts?
I will set the Kestrel up for hunting at approx. 65#, 29" draw using a 420 gr arrow, that will give me sufficient speed and a quiet bow.
I really like the shorter and lighter Kestrel, compared to the Aero Force and the Light Force Magnum.