Claude Pollington
Updated 10/01/01
Well by now most of you have taken to the field, or are preparing to. Hunting success photos are starting to come in and will be posted on our website very soon. Randy Vegso, one of our Staff Shooters sent us the first success photo with his new Pro Eagle, Randy connected on a nice water buffalo! Randy also included a letter describing how well his Pro performed on his hunt. His evaluation, needless to say is glowing.
Here at C.P.Oneida, we are working tirelessly on our 2002 line of products. And yes, we
are also working on some new bow designs and refinements to our current line of bows. Our bowcases are now in stock and ready for shipment to our customers and dealers. They are designed and cut to the shape of our bows, sporting our new colors (black and silver) along with our logo. The cases will accommodate most all of our bows. Photos will be posted on our website soon. Doug Walker's "National Bowhunter" magazine has been a huge help in
marketing our bows and publishing articles that feature our bows.
Our Fulton plant has been very busy filling parts orders,and reconditioning bows, along with shipping of the Black Eagle and Pro Eagle. We have also recently purchased the building which now houses our Fulton assembly plant. This winter we will concentrate on building our inventory and will soon be making plans for the AMO show, which will be held in Nashville Tennessee. A lot of hard work is going on behind the scenes, new strategies are being planned along with potential plans for putting reps on the road to call on dealers for education. Our commitment to the success of this company is solid. All of us here at C.P. Oneida Eagle Bows would like to thank all of our customers and dealers for your understanding during this past year, it has been a learning process for us all. As always, we will continue our
commitment to bring you the finest bows in the industry.
All the best, Claude Pollington.