outdoorsman_79 wrote:
That's a SHARP looking bow!
HEY JOE I LOVE MY BOW!!!!! The grips make the bow feel like part of your hand and it's a light bow so it's like no weight at all I can't tell you how sweet it feels. I am so happy with it.
I am hitting the 10 ring and some times the 12 ring on all 12 arrows with out the sigh at 15 yards.
I can't get my red dot sight working (not the oneida sight) a cheap one. the mount has a lot of parts that shake loose so after 20 or so shots the sight is off cause it moved I am so mad at it I took it off.
It all so made me find a higher spot on my face to hold because the sight was so high frm the arrrow. Are all scopes just for a released shooter not for fingers i like the lighted dot as my eyes are not what they use to be.
oh I am teaching a fencing summer camp for muslim kids in chicago so I am not home much right now but in 3 weeks its over and i will be back on here more at a normal hour.
I kinda like the noise the bow makes when you shoot it it's sounds like a stamp on the shot
like bam! done!! hit!!! it is a sound that is a oneida trademark like a harley.
OH OH OH the Girls love my bow I got to play coach and teach them all about my bow!!!!
I got a real date on sat to go see a movie. my bow is great pick up tool.
Joe thanks for everything!! the wait for the grip was worth it and shooting for two hours was like not thing. I love my osprey if the other oneida bows are like this everyone should get one add me to the list if people want to shoot my bow for a test we can use the kenosha bowmen club ok. Let see how long before someone from here orders a oneida bow. after seeing my bow
thanks again
WhitetigerStatistics: Posted by whitetiger — Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:10 am