Oneida Bows & American Eagle Bows 2010-02-19T01:20:06-04:00 /forum/feed.php?f=2&t=2343 2010-02-19T01:20:06-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2343&p=14015#p14015 <![CDATA[Speedy delivery]]>

The string length is right on the money . I have a high brace limit with 15 twists in it , all i have to do is break it in before tourney.

The modules for the SS BE worked like a charm . Kid loves that 65% let-off . He went from 46lb - 9lb hold to 15lb and after only shooting 3 Ends , he robinhooded another gold tip !!! Its hard to believe what a proper setup can do to the form .

The brackets You sent me have a bit of an offset. They both were drilled and tapped about 0.027" from center , in effect one side is sticking out while the other is completely flush with the limb . It is nothing big and i'll make them work ;) . Must be one of those factory' friday specials or something :D

Thank You for such speedy delivery ! . I can finally go back to the range to drive people crazy with this " loud, X bustin' ,odd looking Thing" :lol:

Statistics: Posted by jack70707 — Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:20 am
