Oneida Archery & Hunting Forum 2009-10-10T02:17:14-05:00 /forum/feed.php?f=2&t=1931 2009-10-10T02:17:14-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=1931&p=11107#p11107 <![CDATA[Cracked Oneida Eagle Bow Risers Wanted!]]>
Does anyone have one or more Oneida Eagle Bow (Aluminum or Magnesium) Risers that are cracked that they would be willing to donate for some experimenting? I would like to try to repair the cracks on as many risers as I can get and then put them through some stress tests. Once the experimenting is complete, the Risers will be shipped back to the donor, if you want them back.


Statistics: Posted by huntsman53 — Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:17 am
