Oneida Archery & Hunting Forum 2010-12-14T09:33:16-05:00 /forum/feed.php?f=17&t=2596 2010-12-14T09:33:16-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=21069#p21069 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> Statistics: Posted by coyoteTim — Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:33 am

2010-06-17T01:33:45-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16398#p16398 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> Statistics: Posted by ARR — Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:33 am

2010-06-16T19:27:33-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16394#p16394 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> NuttyNative wrote:

OBwon wrote:
Animals with arrows in their a$$ do not give you mulligans.

Exactally my point :!:

MULLIGANS???? dang why go out in the hot sun and great air and shoot.
Stay at the bar and buy the winning spot and drink to your hearts desire.
better yet hire someone to shoot for you and stay home.

Statistics: Posted by whitetiger — Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:27 pm

2010-05-27T13:37:41-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16034#p16034 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> OBwon wrote:

Animals with arrows in their a$$ do not give you mulligans.

Exactally my point :!:

Statistics: Posted by NuttyNative — Thu May 27, 2010 1:37 pm

2010-05-27T09:55:40-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16027#p16027 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]>

Statistics: Posted by OBwon — Thu May 27, 2010 9:55 am

2010-05-27T07:46:27-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16026#p16026 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> Statistics: Posted by JOneida — Thu May 27, 2010 7:46 am

2010-05-27T00:44:00-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=16025#p16025 <![CDATA[Re: Mulligans]]> Had a league 3D shoot tonight, first one we attended. 20 targets, score 10, 8, 6, and half if a second arrow is used. It was just the wife & I so we joined up with three others that are considered top shooters. Again, each of them bought two mulligans each. Shoot time started at 6:00 pm and had to be done by 8:15.
Here are the scores on a 200 possible. Robert 190, Lonnie 188, James 180, Me 178, and the wife 136. Roberts mulligans gained him 14 points, a clean miss converted to a 10 and a 6 to a 10. Lonnies gained him 12 as did James. So in my beady little brain I came out on top because I shot straight up. I have no explination why this bothers me on the course. I don't change my style or shot based on what others do and I strive to better my own shooting each time out. Shooting with different people is fun and I learn something from each of them.
I guess in the end we are competing in a sport, and the numbers do matter. I guess I consider the mulligan to be an edge or advantage. Yes, I could buy them as others do but would feel like I cheated and my score not truly earned. I am more interested in improving my ability with my bow than winning, but it would be nice to place once in a while for honest shooting. I shoot in the largest class BHFS, bow hunter free style = fixed sights (5 pins) and release, normally finish in the top 10-15%.

So here's my question to the people of this forum:
If mulligans were or are allowed at your shoots would you buy them? If so, why?
Please give an honest reply without fear of being flamed, I don't believe in that either. Just curious what others think on this subject.

Statistics: Posted by NuttyNative — Thu May 27, 2010 12:44 am

2010-05-09T20:12:44-05:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2596&p=15668#p15668 <![CDATA[Mulligans]]> My belief is to use what you hunt with. I don't have lighter arrows or a different setup for 3D. I shoot with my hunting setup. I fail to see where a "mulligan" fits into the scheme of hunting. Is it, excuse me Mr.(insert animal here) would you be so kind and return to where you were standing BEFORE I missed you? You see when I was issued my tag I also bought a "mulligan" which entitles me to another shot at you without penalty.
Again, not trying to get anyone angry, just a little flustered at people looking for a better score because they payed an extra $5 for 2 mulligans.

Statistics: Posted by NuttyNative — Sun May 09, 2010 8:12 pm
