At our 3-D shoots. some lasting two days, allows me to shoot traditional recurve one day and compound Hunter class the next day. Entry fee is $5.00 to shoot all day, so you cannot beat the price.
The first set of photos is our October outdoor shoot, the 2nd set of photos is our November outdoor shoot, the third set is our Indoor Maple Ridge shoot. the 4th set is our Abbotsford indoor shoot December 14th. We are hoping for good weather for our New Years shoot, if not our two day Jan 10-11 Big 3-D shoot in 2009. We usually get our neighbours to the South in Washington State and our Neighbours over the Rockies in the East in Alberta to our shoots in the lower mainland, though I have seen some from Idaho who attend.
Anyone got 3D shoot photos to post on here, be my guest the more the merrier.
Statistics: Posted by Barry — Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:27 am