Oneida Bows & American Eagle Bows 2010-05-22T18:56:57-04:00 /forum/feed.php?f=10&t=2607 2010-05-22T18:56:57-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15951#p15951 <![CDATA[Re: Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]>
Look at running the bow at the higher brace and adjust your stops for draw. To raise the brace put a few more twists in the string. If it has too many twist now then you may have to get a new one made. Also something to think about is getting the string made with a couple of more strands in it. Remember it is the total weight of the string and the arrow that uses the generated energy. So more strands should quiet the bow a bit. I would suggest a Dyna flight 97 string with 18 strands.


Statistics: Posted by OBwon — Sat May 22, 2010 6:56 pm

2010-05-15T06:03:05-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15770#p15770 <![CDATA[Re: Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]>

Statistics: Posted by JOneida — Sat May 15, 2010 6:03 am

2010-05-14T23:54:36-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15768#p15768 <![CDATA[Re: Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]>
MY BAD>>>>> make that a 2005 Black Eagle......

I'll lighten it up...and see about a heavier arrow setup.
Currently I am shooting Easton Axis FMJ 340s (11.6g/in) at about 29 1/4 length with 125g points.
Any suggestions here?

Statistics: Posted by Bluewine — Fri May 14, 2010 11:54 pm

2010-05-14T19:28:33-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15767#p15767 <![CDATA[Re: Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]> Bluewine wrote:

I have been struggling with silencing my bow.
I recently shortened the draw range from an "f" module to an "e" module.
The bow is a 95 Black Eagle ESC, 75lbs, 497g arrow point combo, tuned, tillered, and set up right (I think!).
Any thoughts? It seemed quieter before changing the modules.

95 Black Eagle ESC ?
75 pound black eagle arrow recomended would be 562 grains or higher. The modules should have no effect on noise. Your arrows are to way to light for your bow.

Statistics: Posted by JOneida — Fri May 14, 2010 7:28 pm

2010-05-14T19:17:11-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15766#p15766 <![CDATA[Re: Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]>
Try shooting a heavier arrow or dropping the poundage. I used to shoot my Aeroforce at 70# & found I shot much better with a lighter arrow & a lower poundage. It would help to have more detail of your arrow/point/length

I finally realized that all I was trying to do is keep up with my friends because thats what they shot at.

I gave up on that macho BS & never looked back.

Statistics: Posted by Vlodpg — Fri May 14, 2010 7:17 pm

2010-05-13T15:47:13-04:00 /forum/viewtopic.php?t=2607&p=15738#p15738 <![CDATA[Are shorter modules louder then longer modules?]]> I recently shortened the draw range from an "f" module to an "e" module.
The bow is a 05 Black Eagle ESC, 75lbs, 497g arrow point combo, tuned, tillered, and set up right (I think!).
Any thoughts? It seemed quieter before changing the modules.

Statistics: Posted by Bluewine — Thu May 13, 2010 3:47 pm
