Power= 20 3/4
Yoke= 20 1/4
String is a 43 1/4 Dyna 97 16 strand. Double served end loops.
If you follow these specs to the letter the cam rotation will look like this;
You will have between 1/8 to 3/8 inch of gap. They may differ a bit depending on how matched the limbs are but in general if the bow is super tuned then you will see this. If the yoke is touching at the tip then you have a streched string or a bad cable length.
This is a 99 Steath owned by my good friend Terry (swampdonkey). It has shot well for him for years and will be there for many more. This bow has 29 inch mods and makes draw length, it also makes 70 pounds on the button.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE tells you that it is different than what I posted has either a non-stock Stealth or they do not
know what they are talking about.
I am going to go through the bow and post the proper rebuild for a stock Stealth so you can do it at home and do it right.Statistics: Posted by OBwon — Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:22 pm